Wort­schatz A2

· 4. Novem­ber 2023

Whe­ther you’re a beg­in­ner loo­king to expand your Ger­man voca­bu­la­ry or see­king to enhan­ce your lan­guage abili­ties, this cour­se offers a struc­tu­red and enga­ging approach. With a focus on prac­ti­cal, ever­y­day voca­bu­la­ry and exer­ci­s­es, you’ll impro­ve your abili­ty to com­mu­ni­ca­te effec­tively in various real-life situa­tions. By the end of the cour­se, you’ll have a solid foun­da­ti­on of Ger­man words and phra­ses, making it easier to inter­act in Ger­man-spea­king envi­ron­ments and pro­vi­ding a step­ping stone for fur­ther lan­guage development.

Nicht ein­ge­schrie­ben
Die­ser Kurs ist der­zeit geschlossen

Kurs ent­hält

  • 2 Modu­le
  • 5 The­men
  • 12 Tests