Ger­man Grammar B1

Unlock the next chap­ter in your Ger­man lan­guage jour­ney with our Ger­man Grammar A2 cour­se. This enga­ging and com­pre­hen­si­ve cour­se is desi­gned for lear­ners who have a basic under­stan­ding of Ger­man and are rea­dy to del­ve deeper into the language's grammar and structure.

· 21. August 2023

Our expert ins­truc­tors will gui­de you through topics such as verb con­ju­ga­ti­on, adjec­ti­ve declen­si­on, pre­po­si­ti­ons, and more, ensu­ring that you grasp the fun­da­men­tals of Ger­man grammar. With a focus on prac­ti­cal usa­ge and inter­ac­ti­ve exer­ci­s­es, you’ll deve­lop the skills nee­ded to com­mu­ni­ca­te effec­tively in various ever­y­day situations.

Nicht ein­ge­schrie­ben (10 ver­blei­ben­de Plätze)

Kurs ent­hält

  • 4 Modu­le
  • 14 The­men
  • 21 Tests