German Prepositions of Place with Dative

This article will introduce you German prepositions of place with dative and explain, how they are used. You can practice after each section to make better results while studying. Are you ready? Let’s go! 

Imagine that someone is calling you and asks you: “Hey! Wo bist du?”. How would you reply? You are probably having a lot of variants in your head now depending on the place you are at this moment. Shall we see what answers could be possible?

Locative prepositions in dative, often called “Prepositions of Place” (on, at, in, under, behind, etc.) give information about the place. They answer the following question: where? → wo?​ Have a look at the table “Flexion of nouns with their articles” in dative.

Nom. (What?)der Busdas Zimmerdie Wanddie Bergen
Dat. (Where?)(in) dem Bus(in) dem Zimmer(an) der Wand(in) den Bergen

The chart below will help you understand, when each German prepositions of place is used.

Wo? Where?in + Dativan + Dativauf + Dativbei + Dativ
Räume, Städte, Länder
im Haus
in Berlin
in Deutschland
vertikaler Kontakt, „Wasser“
an der Station
am Strand
am Meer
horizontaler Kontakt
auf dem Fußballplatz
auf dem Stuhl
Personen, Firmen, Aktivitäten
bei Lisa
bei H&M
beim Picknick
beim Arzt

Exercise 1

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