Englisch 8
M. 0 Einstufungstests5 Tests
M.1 My summer holidays4 Themen|5 Tests
M.2 British and American English2 Themen|4 Tests
M.3 Welcome to the USA6 Themen|8 Tests
M.4 Klassenarbeitstrainer8 Themen|8 Tests
Lernbox: Empire State Building Run-Up
Visiting the Central Park in NYC
Lernbüro: American English (Vertiefung)
Lernbüro: Gerunds (with like, enjoy, hate, etc.)
Training: Speaking about the USA
5 different words in British and American English
Training: Speaking about the New York
Lernbox: sport activities
Lernbox: Empire State Building Run-Up
M.5 California Dreams12 Themen|16 Tests
Lernbüro: Crossword puzzle
Guess it game: Sports and free-time activities
LB: Facts about California
Verwendung von Gerund
Reading tasks in class work
Reading: California
Reading: Ghost town in California
Reading: Yosemite National Park
LB: A newspaper article
Wortschatz: Climate Change
Kiteboarding: a cool new California sport
Lernbüro: Crossword puzzle
M.6 Discover American Life9 Themen|9 Tests
M.7 It is made in the US8 Themen|18 Tests
M.8 Writing comments in English4 Themen|4 Tests
M.9 VERA-8 Reading & Listening2 Themen|13 Tests
M.10 VERA-8 Writing & Language in Use4 Themen|8 Tests
M.11 Aufgaben im Stil von VERA 82 Themen|5 Tests
M.12 USA – Here we come back5 Themen|9 Tests
M.13 American school canteen10 Themen|13 Tests
Pre-Listening Task: Radio show
American lifestyle
Grammar Drill: Perfect tenses
Vocabulary Training: Food and healthy lifestyle
Grammar Training – Countable or uncountable
Vocabulary Trainer: School system
Vocabulary Trainer: Curriculum
Improve your reading skills
Vocabulary Training: Everyday school life – 1
Vocabulary Training: Everyday school life – 2
Pre-Listening Task: Radio show
M.14 Let’s talk about America12 Themen
What do we know about California
New York: The city that never sleeps
Michael Jordan – best US basketball player
Madonna – Is she a material girl?
Welcome to Alaska
Hawaii – Paradise on Earth
The Genius of Charlie Chaplin
German-American actor Bruce Willis
Diverse culture of New Orleans
Puerto Rico – a great place to visit
Columbus and his discovery of America
A Dream of Martin Luther King
What do we know about California
M.15 Revision8 Themen|15 Tests
M.16 Wortbildung – Word formation6 Themen|10 Tests
M.17 Finishing 8th grade1 Thema|3 Tests
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Frage 1 von 10
1. Frage
0 XPComplete the text about illegal downloads. Use the adjectives in “Help-Section” with or without a negative prefix.
In the USA, around 200 million music downloads take place every year, in spite of laws to stop them. In the UK, the figure is about 100 million – the second highest in the world.
Opposite of legal
Frage 2 von 10
2. Frage
0 XPComplete the text about illegal downloads. Use the adjectives in “Help-Section” with or without a negative prefix.
The music industry complains that these downloads are to artists because they stop them earning money from their work.
Opposite of fair
Frage 3 von 10
3. Frage
0 XPComplete the text about illegal downloads. Use the adjectives in “Help-Section” with or without a negative prefix.
It is to know exactly how much money artists and record companies are losing because many people who download illegally do not have any money to spend. However, one thing is certain: overall, the industry is earning a lot less than it earned a few years ago.
Opposite of possible
Frage 4 von 10
4. Frage
2 XPComplete the text about illegal downloads. Use the adjectives in “Help-Section” with or without a negative prefix.
Record companies pay for adverts telling people that downloading music without paying is as and as stealing from a shop.
Richtig 2 / 2 XPFalsch / 2 XP💡
Opposites of acceptable and honest
Frage 5 von 10
5. Frage
0 XPComplete the text about illegal downloads. Use the adjectives in “Help-Section” with or without a negative prefix.
If you’re a loyal fan, they suggest you buy a legal version of song or album from iTunes or another website. But the adverts are to work because people see the music industry as rich and powerful compared to them.
Opposite of likely
Frage 6 von 10
6. Frage
0 XPComplete the text about illegal downloads. Use the adjectives in “Help-Section” with or without a negative prefix.
Most do not see sharing music online as .
Opposite of responsible
Frage 7 von 10
7. Frage
0 XPComplete the text about illegal downloads. Use the adjectives in “Help-Section” with or without a negative prefix.
In fact, the number of illegal downloads is now going down, but that’s not because of the warnings. For people who are to hear the latest tracks, streaming services like Spotify now offer a simple and safe way to enjoy them without the need for downloads at all.
Opposite of patient
Frage 8 von 10
8. Frage
2 XPComplete the sentences with the adjectives below, with or without a negative prefix.
Police are investigating file-sharing site in the Philippines.
It was very of him to arrive an hour late for dinner.
Richtig 2 / 2 XPFalsch / 2 XP -
Frage 2 von 10
2. Frage
2 XPComplete the sentences with the adjectives below, with or without a negative prefix.
I get very if I have to wait more than a few minutes for a download.
You mustn’t climb on that wall; it’s .
Richtig 2 / 2 XPFalsch / 2 XP -
Frage 2 von 10
2. Frage
5 XPComplete the sentences choosing the correct word in brackets, using a negative prefix.
- I can’t believe Sara was so about her plans. I had no idea that she wanted to do that. (believable / honest)
- I’m sorry my handwriting is so . I’m the only one who can read it. (legible / possible)
- You can have strong opinions, but there’s no need to be ! (polite / legal)
- It was of him to spend all the money in their bank account. (satisfied / responsible)
- It’s to cross the road here. (safe / visible)
Richtig 5 / 5 XPFalsch / 5 XP💡
- Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Sara so unehrlich war, was ihre Pläne angeht. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, dass sie das tun wollte.
- Es tut mir leid, dass meine Handschrift so unleserlich ist. Ich bin der Einzige, der sie lesen kann.
- Sie können eine starke Meinung haben, aber es gibt keinen Grund, unhöflich zu sein!
- Es war unverantwortlich von ihm, das ganze Geld auf ihrem Bankkonto auszugeben.
- Es ist unsicher, die Straße hier zu überqueren.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- Aktuell
- Überprüfung
- Beantwortet
- Richtig
- Falsch